I offer 90 minute Shamanic Healing Sessions or 60 minute Reiki & Sound Healing Sessions.

Shamanic Sessions

Shamanic Sessions offer a deep dive into your personal healing. I help identify the underlying issue that is usually masquerading in several ways during your day-to-day. You may come to me with a migraine, a recent job-loss, a relationship issue, and you haven’t spoken to a sibling in over a year. These all may be connected to a core issue held in your subconscious. I help find that issue and guide you through breathwork, visualization, and other techniques so you can release it. This energetically impacts all of those issues that seemed unrelated, and helps you heal and create your life in the way you desire.

Reiki & Sound Healing

Reiki and Sound Healing offers a relaxing and grounding experience to assist you on your personal healing journey. While deep healing can also be achieved in this type of session, it is usually lighter and more focused on balancing your energy.