Sound Healing & Reiki session

Allow sound, frequency, and the life source energy of reiki to support your healing journey.

How does Sound and frequency heal?

Reiki is one of the oldest forms of healing. It connects you to the natural life force energy found in all of nature and taps into your body's natural healing ability.

A reiki session shifts and balances energy in a way that promotes well being and health. It's a true mind-body-soul balancer. 


  • grounds and protects

  • alleviates illness and disease

  • removes resistance

  • brings emotional and mental stability

  • promotes balance between right and left sides of the brain

  • breaks addiction

  • helps with grief processing

  • assists in relationship issues

  • calms anxiety

  • helps coma patients and people with head injuries

  • improves intuition and inspiration

  • revitalizes overall wellbeing

what is reiki and how does it heal?

Our bodies are made up of a bunch of tiny vibration atoms that emit various frequencies. When our body is in balance, it allows our life force energy to flow freely. But if we have unprocessed emotions or stored traumatic memories, it can turn into energy blockages that cause our bodies to go out of balance. This results in body ailments or disease.

In a sound and frequency healing session, I use a variety of instruments to help me identify where you may have stuck energy in your body. Then using the scientific principle of resonance, I’m able to play specific instruments, such as a tuning forksor a crystal bowls on a specific frequency to pull your body back into balance.